My old website was but I am happy to report that I switched to my new name of Karen Bauman. You can check out the current site now by going to but you better go quickly because I am hoping to have the new site up within two weeks.
Here's for the most exciting news of all!
I am soon going to be the proud owner of a Nikon D700. After doing extensive research on what my next camera should be I have decided on the D700. I can't wait to finally have a professional camera. I do have to sell my old digital and my medium format camera in order to afford a new one but it will be worth it! I'll let you know when I have the cameras listed on craigslist in case anyone is interested.
I'll leave you with a quote from one of Philadelphia's finest:
Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning. -Benjamin Franklin