Thursday, April 29, 2010

More logo attempts....

So here are some more of the logos... Not really sure if any are better than last time.
Let me know your thoughts. Thanks!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Some Inspiration.

So today I was thinking of how much work I have been putting into everything revolving around the marketing aspect of the photography business I am trying to establish. It seems like so much time and effort and not much to show. Every time I get a little frustrated that things are not happening fast enough (which I think everyone goes through now and then) I remember a quote that always cheers me up.

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out."
-Robert Collier

Now I don't agree with a lot of what Robert Collier preaches about but I think this quote is such a great line. Nothing that is worth while in life just comes easy, it takes a lot of production and persistence but as long as you always work with the passion you have and take it one step at a time then anything is possible. As I was looking through the internet today I found a poem that I wanted to share because it is just so simple but so great at the same time. Enjoy.

How do you tackle your work?
By Edgar A. Guest

How do you tackle your work each day?
Are you scared of the job you find?
Do you grapple the task that comes your way
With a confident, easy mind?
Do you stand right up to the work ahead
Or fearfully pause to view it?
Do you start to toil with a sense of dread
Or feel that you're going to do it?

You can do as much as you think you can,
But you'll never accomplish more;
If you're afraid of yourself, young man,
There's little for you in store.
For failure comes from the inside first,
It's there if we only knew it,
And you can win, though you face the worst,
If you feel that you're going to do it.

Success! It's found in the soul of you,
And not in the realm of luck!
The world will furnish the work to do,
But you must provide the pluck.
You can do whatever you think you can,
It's all in the way you view it.
It's all in the start that you make, young man:
You must feel that you're going to do it.

How do you tackle your work each day?
With confidence clear, or dread?
What to yourself do you stop and say
When a new task lies ahead?
What is the thought that is in your mind?
Is fear ever running through it?
If so, just tackle the next you find
By thinking you're going to do it

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Now on Facebook!

This is just a short little entry. I now have a page on! Someone was a busy little be tonight....

So check it out:

New logo - Need some advice

So I have been working on a new logo, as you know, as part of my vamping of my look (website will soon be next on the to do list!) So I have decided on the how I would like the logo to look as well as the text in the logo. I do need some help on deciding on a color. Here's the one's I like...

If you have any suggestions about the logo at all please feel free to voice them. Thanks everyone!

"I am suffocated and lost when I have not the bright feeling of progression."

-Margaret Fuller

Friday, April 16, 2010


So so SO excited! So I have received my new camera, the Nikon D700 and I am in love! I am currently reading through the manual so I can figure out all the gadgets behind it. I have also thought of a new idea for my blog.

I want to start a separate blog from this one that is a photograph a day taken by my new favorite camera. I'm thinking of calling it K.G. Bauman's One-A-Days. Stay tuned for more information!

"The excitement of learning seperates youth from old age. As long as you're learning, you're not old."

-Rosalyn S. Yalow

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Naughty Little Puppy...

Well I have decided to quit the photography business and try something new out.... APRIL FOOL'S!!!

While trying new things is something I do enjoy I shall never give up on my dream, and neither should anyone else! I thought today in the spirit of April Fool's I would post a little joke my dog played on me close to a year ago. I borrow photographs from my mother-in-law to make a slide show of my husband and I, and I also borrow a photographer from her of our videographer to give him as a joke! Well we have a little dog named Rocky who loves to tear things up and this silly sally decided to leave the one photograph on our coffee table.

Well you should be able to guess what happens next... That's right Rocky ripped up the picture. So I had to tape the photograph back together, scan it into photoshop, and proceed to retouch the image. I think the entire process took about 10-12 hours. I will never make that mistake again!!

Photograph after rocky got a hold of it:

Photoshopped image:

Nothing is impossible! Sure it took forever but I think the photograph looks pretty darn good!

If you have noticed I like to put a quote at the end of each blog and I thought today's was pretty funny...

"Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed."
-Mark Twain