Tuesday, April 20, 2010

New logo - Need some advice

So I have been working on a new logo, as you know, as part of my vamping of my look (website will soon be next on the to do list!) So I have decided on the how I would like the logo to look as well as the text in the logo. I do need some help on deciding on a color. Here's the one's I like...

If you have any suggestions about the logo at all please feel free to voice them. Thanks everyone!

"I am suffocated and lost when I have not the bright feeling of progression."

-Margaret Fuller


  1. Now that I can see my logo smaller (as it will be on stationary and such) I am thinking that I need to bold the typewriter font that says "Photography"

  2. I would definitely make the flower a lot lighter maybe monochromatic so you could read your name more clearly because right now to much competition. If you need any help send me the file and i will play around with it. get it girl!!!!

  3. I would love to send you the file... I'm not too good with the colors, had to get a palette off a website just so it would match! I'll send it your way if you wouldn't mind, thanks!
