Monday, March 7, 2011

Working on my new website for !

I know what you're thinking... "Karen, haven't you been promising that you will have a new website for a long time now?" This answer is... yes, sadly I have been saying this for quite some time.

But guess what? No not chicken but. I have purchased a website template from the wonderful people at (for the record a GREAT site for the HTML impaired) and I am confident that I will have my new site up and running before the end of March. I may even have it up by the end of next week!

So for all of you out there who want to see the old site I made in college, which is really opposite of the new direction I am going in, then you better get there fast cause this train is moving at the speed of a jet! I am so very excited!!!

"Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration, motivation, and a pinch of creativity."
-Bo Bennett

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